Once I made the decision that web design and development was what I wanted to do for a living, I decided to hone my craft and become specialized in specific areas. That decision alone has made all the difference in what I do today and how I serve my clients!
  • Web Consulting

    / professional review /

    Are you feeling confused and a tad bit overwhelmed with this web stuff? Fear not. I can carefully review your website and provide a professional report of my findings. With your objectives in mind, I lay out concrete suggestions after years of experience and actual results. The feedback provides a snapshot of your current situation and it allows me to create a targeted, cost-effective solution just for you.

    More on Web Consulting
  • Web Design

    / Create your look /

    Does your content capture and retain the attention of your site visitors? As you know, you only get one first impression in life. I specialize in creating simple yet thoughtful modern web interface designs. Using a responsive design approach, I use typography, colors, textures, and other unique elements to design around your content. This allows you to reach a much wider audience on a multitude of platforms.

    More on Web Design
  • Web Coding

    / stuff behind your page /

    Do you want to be found in the search engines? Just because your site "looks" visually stunning does NOT necessarily mean the code was written properly. Using core building blocks (HTML5, CSS3, & jQuery), I meticulously program my sites using web standards. Every tag is written on purpose - to provide the most optimal experience for your users and allows search engines, browsers, and devices to find you.

    More on Front-End Development
  • Web Extras

    / And Plenty More /

    Are you looking for something more specific? You may already have the designs and only need the HTML5 & CSS3 programming, or you just need the interface designs. I can do either or both. And if that's still not what you were looking for, I also provide web hosting, social media marketing, HTML email design/coding, and more. I'm quite flexible and have assisted my clients through many technical hurdles.

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